Kaleidoscope Quilting
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Have you been thinking about or looking for that perfect gift for your best sewing buddy, your secret sister or the person who is looking to start quilting? Or heck, maybe you would like to get our Holiday Box for yourself (you know you deserve it). If you need the perfect gift, we have you covered!!
Our Holiday Gift Box is stuffed full of ‘sew’ many goodies. We are calling this our Holiday Box as it is inspired by the Winter Holiday Season, if this is being given for a Christmas gift, we didn’t want to stuff it full of specifically Christmas items as they would not be able to be used until next year, so we have curated an amazing Winter Holiday Season Box.
We want you to be wowed when you get your box and we don’t wan’t to spoil the surprise of exactly what is in the box, but we can tell you that it is a specially themed box with of course a Brand New Kaleidoscope Pattern & Kaleidoscope Quilt Kit (with all fabrics needed to complete the quilt top) that can be used for a wallhanging, table topper, stand scarf or a special gift, some matching fabric and/or notions, of course something sweet to eat and ‘sew’ much more.
We are really excited about this and hope you are too!!
**Ships at once
Shipping Rates Apply, International Customers there may be additional shipping charge, we will notify you.
Click on image to order your Holiday Box now!